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7 October 2024

Correction to the 2024 Green Central Banking Scorecard

Following publication of the latest edition of the Green Central Banking Scorecard, we were made aware of a small error which has now been fixed. 

By Joe Herbert

Following publication of the 2024 Green Central Banking Scorecard, we became aware of a small error in the score calculation. Germany was incorrectly assigned points in the Monetary Policy category, for a policy that should have been categorised under Financial Policy.

The Bundesbank’s ‘sustainable investment framework for foreign reserve assets’ policy action has now been scored under the Financial Policy category. Due to the scoring methodology’s use of ‘lesser impact score limits’, Germany’s total score is now 91 points, two fewer than initially stated.  Please see Section 2 of the 2022 Scorecard for more information on the use of lesser impact score limits within the Scorecard’s methodology.

As a result, Germany and Italy now place joint second in the 2024 Scorecard, on 91 points (rather than Italy placing third, behind Germany in second, as initially stated). This change does not alter any of the Scorecard’s arguments or recommendations.

The Scorecard has now been updated to reflect this correction on our website here, and only this version should be referred to moving forward.

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