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We can redesign our economic system for a better world and a healthy planet

The way we manage our economy is broken. We need to redesign it together.

Big corporations and banks have influenced politicians and rigged our economic system so that money flows to a rich elite rather than to communities. Instead of putting money into schools, hospitals, and protecting green spaces, they’ve profited from making homes unaffordable and investing in fossil fuels - putting us all at risk.

Our work focuses on achieving our two core missions

  1. Redesign our economic system to tackle inequality and protect the planet. Give our central banks, governments and international finance institutions a mandate, and the tools, to lead the transition to a just and sustainable future.

  2. Shift power from big corporations and banks to people. Create an economic system that redirects power and money away from rich elites and towards people and communities.

Positive Money started as a grassroots movement and is still powered by people today. Join us today to help redesign our economic system for social justice and a liveable planet.

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