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Financial Transparency US

Our US office is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation incorporated in Delaware. We receive the majority of our funding from a number of philanthropic foundations, either directly or via regrants from our UK office. Our list of funders is below.

For more detailed information about our funders and finances please see our Annual Reports and Financial Statementsat the bottom of this page.

Income and expenditure

In the financial year ending 30 June 2023, our total income was $115k, from grants received via our UK company.

In terms of expenditure, our main costs are salaries for our team of staff and contractors, while our overheads are kept very low. In the same financial year, 72% of our total expenditure went on staff costs, including for research, influencing and advocacy, and campaigning. A further 18% of costs were professional fees and other payments to independent contractors. Other costs included printing, publications, postage and shipping of 1%, and IT, office, administration and other sundry costs totalling 8%.

List of funders

Organisations from whom we received funding within the last financial year ending 30 June 2023 and the amounts they provided are listed below, with the name of the project or area of work funded.

We are extremely grateful for the generous support of all of our funders. Without your support, our work would simply not be possible!

  • The Sunrise Project - $114,500: Greening central banks’ policies in the UK, US & EU (received via our UK office).

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