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Financial Transparency EU

Our EU office is a not-for-profit association (ASBL) registered in Belgium. We receive the majority of our funding from a number of philanthropic foundations, and a few individual donors. Our list of funders is below.

For more detailed information about our funders, finances and achievements over the years, please see our Annual Reports and Financial Statements at the bottom of this page.

Income and expenditure

In the financial year ending 31 December 2021, our total income was €524k, which came almost entirely from grants.

In terms of expenditure, our main costs were salaries for our team of staff and contractors, while our overheads were kept low. In the same financial year, 77% of our total expenditure went to staff costs and for research, advocacy and campaigning. Our expenditure on contractors mainly covered researchers working on Positive Money Europe research projects, and project coordination for the European Citizens’ Bank project. A further 7% of costs went to communications and 4% went to events, primarily to facilitators for our series of online citizen assemblies as part of the European Citizens’ Bank project. Other costs included office administration costs of 6% (including rent for a small 29.5 m2 office), and other sundry costs amounting to 12%, including travel, subsistence and staff development, as well as legal, accounting and payroll fees.

List of funders

Organisations from whom we received funding within the last financial year ending 31 December 2021 and the amounts they provided are listed below, with the name of the project or area of work funded.

We are extremely grateful for the generous support of all of our funders. Without your support, our work would simply not be possible!

  • Open Philanthropy - €60,000: To support research and advocacy on macroeconomic policy in Europe.

  • Open Society Initiative for Europe - €49,970: To support the advocacy activities of Positive Money Europe with regard to promoting a democratic reform of the European Central Bank (ECB).

  • European Climate Foundation - €164,187: To ensure that the European Central Bank’s strategic review leads the ECB to align its strategy and monetary policies with the EU’s sustainable finance agenda.

  • The Sunrise Project - €33,491: To engage European citizens and civil society in key countries for the European Central Bank to take decisive climate action.

  • European Education and Culture Executive Agency – Europe for citizens - €77,791: To engage European citizens in the debate on the future of the Eurozone (The European Citizens’ Bank project).

  • Pool Fund on International Energy - €24,614: To support the European Central Bank in adopting measures leading to a reduction in its holdings of carbon-intensive assets.

  • Foundation to Promote Open Society - €69,575: To challenge the ECB response to COVID-19 2020.

  • Positive Money (UK office) - €43,894: For core organisation and project support.

Annual Reports

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