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12 February 2019

RIP Bernard Lietaer

We were sad to learn of the death of Bernard Lietaer, one of the leading monetary reformers, on February 4th.
RIP Bernard Lietaer

We were sad to learn of the death of Bernard Lietaer, one of the leading monetary reformers, on February 4th.

He was the author of the books The Future of Money, New Money for a New World, Money and Sustainability: the Missing Link and others.

Bernard Lietaer was active in the realm of money systems for close to 40 years in a wide variety of roles. While at the Central Bank in Belgium he implemented the convergence mechanism (ECU) to the single European currency system. During that period, he also served as President of Belgium’s Electronic Payment System.

Later, Bernard advocated for an alternative, multidisciplinary view of money which drew on findings from history, psychology and ecology to expose the myths about the global monetary system. During the Eurozone crisis, he worked hard to propose the introduction of a parallel currency as an alternative to the austerity policies imposed on Greece.

Although this project did not succeed, he has successfully inspired many of us to take part in a growing movement for changing the money system, be it through local currencies or through movements like Positive Money and its equivalents across the World. He will be thanked and remembered for that for a long time.

Our good wishes for his family and friends.

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