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17 March 2021

Positive Money’s two-year review 2018-2020

We’ve just published our latest two-year review for the period April 2018 – March 2020, now available on our website.
12 highlights from 2022

We’ve just published our latest two-year review for the period April 2018 – March 2020, now available on our website.

We regularly send updates to our supporters, funders and other stakeholders, but our two-year review is a chance to take stock of our work over a longer period of time, and reflect on what we have achieved.

We’re really proud of our impact during this time: from accelerating our Greening the Bank of England work and securing commitments from the Bank to decarbonise their portfolio, to getting big media coverage and mobilising people around the ten year anniversary of the 2008 financial crash. We also secured a number of wins towards democratising money and banking, and have worked more and more closely with both new and long-standing partner organisations, as part of a growing movement for economic systems change.

Please make yourself a cup of tea and have a read. As well as summarising our impact during this period on a range of money and banking topics, the review also describes the different strands of our work: mobilisation and grassroots organising; influencing on policy, the media and decision makers; research activity; and our diversity and decolonising work. It also describes our growing international reach, changes to our team and board, and summarises our finances and funding. 

Over the last twelve months, COVID-19 has had an enormous impact on the discussion around how our economy works, and whose interests it serves. You can read a brief summary of our work responding to the COVID-19 pandemic on page 33, and some key things coming up as we look ahead to the next two years. We feel our work is becoming instrumental for bringing about a fair, democratic, and sustainable economy, and in the current context it has never been more important. 

As we look back at our work in April 2018 – March 2020 we feel pride in what we achieved, and very grateful to all the supporters, donors, funders, and partner organisations we’ve worked with, that help make it possible. We could not do our work without you, so thank you for everything that you do. 

We look forward to bringing about even greater impact in the coming years, as we continue to re-imagine money, banks and the economy for the wellbeing of people, communities and the planet.

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