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13 December 2018

Positive Money Review 2016 – 2018

We’ve just published our latest two-year review for the period April 2016 – March 2018, now available on our website.
12 highlights from 2022

We’ve just published our latest two-year review for the period April 2016 – March 2018, now available on our website.

We keep supporters and stakeholders updated through our regular blogs and newsletters, but our two-year review is a chance to consider a longer period of time, take stock of how far we’ve come, and reflect on our achievements.

Looking back on this two-year period, it’s clear Positive Money is going from strength to strength: with a vibrant network, growing influence on politicians and the media, a plethora of research, and international expansion.

Please grab yourself a cup of tea and have a read! The review contains sections on each of our four programmes of work: our grassroots movement, our advocacy towards decision-makers, our research into reform of money and banking, and the wider global movement. It also breaks down our finances and funding over the period, and includes details of our expanded team and current board of non-executive directors.

We’re really proud of what we’ve achieved in the last few years, and we’ve continued throughout 2018 in the same vigorous spirit.

Our work would not be possible without our supporters, donors and funders. Thank you for everything that you do, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you towards a money and banking system that supports a better world.

annual report

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