Money Workshop aftermath

On Sunday 11th May, it was for us the moment of truth. We were running our money workshop which we have been working on in the past four months. We arrived in the room provided by the church, after few adjustments, hoovering and decorating with beautiful fabrics made by our dear Zina. We were ready.People, one by one, arrived with food to share, smiling at the prospect of this day. We are in total 13 and ready to kick start. It is 11 am.
The energy in the room is highly positive. We can feel it all around us. As we go through the exercise, we can sense some emotions. A plethora of possibilities to change our relationships with money, make our investments more ethical, achieve a more balanced life with less money or working fewer hours are explored. We are then confronted to our ‘barriers to change’, the ‘should’s’ that we’ve learnt when we were younger to earn more money, to never get into debts, to take responsibilities for our choice and not asking others for help and we set ourselves some actions to change our mindsets and get the power back over our lives.

At the end of the workshop, an evaluation form was distributed to find out the extent to which individuals were committed to change aspects of their life and how the workshop contributed positively in encouraging them to take further steps. Having analysed the results, we were pleased to see the workshop had a positive impacts on participants as they indicated to be more committed after having the workshop to be closer to their community by being both ‘borrower’ and lender, get an ethical insurance and telephone provider as such.
It was a beautiful experience. We hope to repeat such workshop as our participants seem to have benefited from it.If you would like more info on the workshop, Positive Money UK, Footpaths or signing up for a workshop in the future please email or