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14 April 2015

Hustings: Your chance to ask a question

Hustings provide a rare opportunity to see the people seeking to represent you and hear why they want to do so.
12 highlights from 2022

Hustings provide a rare opportunity to see the people seeking to represent you and hear why they want to do so.

At times hustings can be frustrating. Audience members go off on tangents and politicians manage to dodge their questions. However, they present a unique opportunity to make your views known directly and clearly.

If a future MP expresses support for a review of the money system, it provides an ideal basis to engage with them in the next parliament.

Now is the time to ask your question! In the run up to the election there are likely to be several hustings in your local area. Most of them are listed on this website.

Ask a question about money reform and try to get a commitment from the next person who will be making decisions that fundamentally affect your life.

Here are our top tips:

  • Submit your question in advance, or raise your hand as early as possible – this maximises your chances of getting called by the chair.

  • Keep it short – monetary reform is a complex issue, you will never cover everything so stick to a single point.

  • Be polite and respectful – it is easy to disregard a question if it is said in an aggressive or negative manner.

  • The audience matters – even if the politicians ignore you or dodge the question remember that there is a whole room of potential Positive Money supporters in the audience. Frame your question in a way that will arouse the interest of other people in the room.

  • Be specific – make sure you ask a clear question.


Please sign our petition to tell the future Prime Minister of the UK that money creation should only be used in the public interest. And if you’ve signed it already, share it your friends on Facebook and Twitter. And/or send them an email – here’s a simple text you can copy:

I’ve signed this petition to prevent banks from creating money. I think you’ll find it interesting – have a look and consider to sign the petition too!http://bsd.wpengine.com/petition

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