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19 May 2017

Event: Can we democratize money creation?

Fairfin and Positive Money are are hosting a conference on the monetary system in Brussels.
Event: Can we democratize money creation?

Fairfin and Positive Money are delighted to invite you to a conference and debate on the monetary system on June 29 in Brussels. The discussion will include a presentation of the QE for People campaign in Europe.

Since the beginning of the financial crisis, a lot has been said about the role of the financial system, sovereign debt, and the flaws of European institutions. However, there has been much less discussion on a more fundamental function of our financial system: money creation.

Currently most of the money we use is created by private banks, when they make loans. This has important consequences on the whole economic system, and is possibly one of the main drivers of economic injustice, climate change and financial instability.

After the financial crisis, the European Central Bank had to step in, to substitute the lack of money creation by private banks. The European Central Bank has injected billions of euros into the financial markets under the so-called ‘quantitative easing’ policy. However, it is rather unclear whether such money creation by the ECB has effectively contributed to the real economy.

Thus, the functioning of the money creation process has become increasingly controversial in the eyes of the public, especially at times when austerity measures are being implemented.

Can we democratize the monetary system so it benefits the whole society?

To debate this issue, we have invited speakers who are challenging the status quo by proposing practical solutions to improve the functioning of our monetary system: sovereign money, Quantitative Easing for People, local currencies, reserve banking.

We will also be joined by Philippe Lamberts, Belgian member of the European Parliament, who will shed light on different perspectives pushing for radical change in the EU institutions.

Join the discussion on 29th June!



DATE: June 29 – from 19h00 until 21h00

VENUE: ELAN, Rue du Progrès 331, 1030 Schaerbeek

Registration by email at b2b@fairfin.be

Note: This article was originally published on the QE for People campaign website. As we are gradually phasing out the QE for People campaign, we are archiving this publication here. For more information, read the history of Positive Money Europe.

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