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21 March 2019

Event: Building up a more democratic and gender-balanced European Central Bank

Positive Money Europe is delighted to invite you to our upcoming conference co-organised with Members of the Europan Parliament Ramon Tremosa and Pervenche Berès.
Event: Building up a more democratic and gender-balanced European Central Bank

Positive Money Europe is delighted to invite you to our upcoming event “Building up a more democratic and gender-balanced European Central Bank”, co-organised with Members of the Europan Parliament Ramon Tremosa and Pervenche Berès.

Venue: European Parliament, room PHS 5B1 (BRU)

Date: April 9th, 16h-19h

Type of event: Open to the public

During the last financial crisis, the European Central Bank played a crucial and sometimes controversial role. When the next crisis hits, the ECB will inevitably be back in the spotlight. Enhancing the accountability of the ECB to the European Parliament will be vital to ensure it has the legitimacy to implement the best policies for European citizens.

In that spirit, Positive Money Europe will publish a new report “From Dialogue to Scrutiny: Strengthening the Parliamentary Oversight of the European Central Bank”, which explores how the European Parliament can play a meaningful role in building up a more democratic and accountable European Central Bank, including by revising the monetary dialogue.

Moreover, the conference will explore ways to enhance gender balance within the ECB. Having a more diverse and inclusive ECB is a timely issue: the appointment of several men at the top EU financial authorities (including the one of Philip Lane as Chief Economist of the ECB) has once again raised the issue of gender inequality provoking discontent among MEPs. In fact, the European Parliament has called for effective measures to challenge the lack of diversity in the European financial authorities. What are the best practices in this context? How can we achieve this objective? Together with experts and MEPs, we will discuss the most effective strategies to increase inclusiveness and gender balance both within central banks and in the financial sector at large.

Registration is mandatory for the event. Please register by clicking below:

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Ramon Tremosa

Ramon Tremosa i Balcells is a Spanish MEP from the group ALDE. He currently serves as a member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.

Pervenche Berès

Pervenche Berès is a Member of the European Parliament. She is Chair of the French socialist delegation to the European Parliament and S&D coordinator for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.

Marisa Matias

Marisa Matias is a Portugese Member of the European Parliament in the Confederal Group of the United Left. She is part of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and rapporteur of the Report on Gender Equality and Taxation Policies in the EU.

Stanislas Jourdan, Positive Money Europe

Stanislas is leading Positive Money Europe, a not-for-profit research and campaigning organisation aiming to make the money system support a fair, democratic and sustainable economy.

Sebastian Diessner, London School of Economics

Sebastian is PhD candidate at the European Institute of the London School of Economics. He is the co-author of the report Strengthening the Parliamentary Oversight of the European Central Bank”.

Adina Maricut-Akbik, Hertie School of Governance

Adina is Postdoctoral Researcher the Hertie School of Governance. Her research focuses on the accountability of executive actors in EU economic governance since the crisis.

Gregory Claeys, Bruegel

Grégory Claeys is a  research fellow at Bruegel since February 2014. Grégory Claeys’s research interests include international macroeconomics and finance, central banking and European governance. He is a member of ECON monetary expert panel.

Lambros Papadias, European Ombudsman

Lambros is Head of Unit – Legal, Complaints and Inquiries at the European Ombudsman. He is a lawyer, specialised in European law and has published and spoken regularly on general, state aid and antitrust law issues related to telecommunications.

Danae Kyriakopoulou, OMFIF

Danae is the Chief Economist and Director of Research at OMFIF. She is the editor of the 2019 Gender Balance Index produced by OMFIF.

Boris Kisselevsky, European Central Bank

Boris is the Head of the European Central Bank Representation in Brussels.

Christine Haralambous, IPSO-ECB

Christine is a Market Operations Expert at the European Central Bank and board member of IPSO-ECB, the ECB staff union.

Giulia Porino, Finance Watch

Giulia is the Network Coordination & Development Officer of Finance Watch. She is currently a PhD Candidate at the European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies.

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