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4 February 2016

Conference – QE for People: A rescue plan for the Eurozone?

We are hosting a conference in the European Parliament to discuss alternatives to the current Quantitative Easing programme in the Eurozone.
Conference – QE for People: A rescue plan for the Eurozone?

The QE for People Campaign Coalition are pleased to invite you to this high level event hosted in the European Parliament to discuss alternatives to the current Quantitative Easing programme in the Eurozone.

Wednesday 17th February

3.30-5.30pm followed by a drinks reception

European Parliament (Room ASP 3E2)


Richard Werner 

Director, Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development; University of Southampton


Eric Lonergan 

Fund Manager at M&G


Frances Coppola

Financial commentator


Frédéric Boccara

Member of the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council, Member of Les Économistes Atterrés


Frank van Lerven

Researcher at Positive Money


sponsored by:

Molly Scott-Cato MEP, Paul Tang MEP, and Fabio De Masi MEP


There is already indicators that QE is inflating asset price bubbles and therefore fueling wealth inequality. A rising number of economists and civil society organisations are calling for a new approach to quantitative easing and monetary policy.

These policy alternatives are known as ‘QE for People’ and include financing EU investments or even distributing money to all citizens.

We look forward to your participation in this conversation on how the ECB can stimulate Eurozone economies through a QE for People.

Deadline for registration is February 8th – space is limited. To reserve your space email conference@qe4people.eu with your name, surname, date of birth and ID/Passport number.


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