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15 March 2016

Positive Money stall at the Compass annual gathering

Last Saturday, Positive Money had a stall at the Compass Annual Gathering.
12 highlights from 2022

Last Saturday, Positive Money had a stall at the Compass Annual Gathering. The venue was filled with people interested in tackling big political questions: How do we make systemic change happen in this political and global context? How could we be organising to have more impact?

The day included breakout sessions on housing, the new economy, young people (to name but a few), a talk from the Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell and a ‘fish-bowl’ discussion kicked off by Neal Lawson, Indra Adnan and Jacqui Howard.

PositiveMoney - Post

Positive Money was represented on a fantastic, colourful stall. Ali, Andrew, Rob and Lesley from several London groups came together to chat to attendees, answer questions and get new people signed up to the campaign. We sold copies of Modernising Money, Positive Money tshirts and tempted people to come and talk to us by entering them into a prize draw.

Everyone who stopped past was very interested in our campaign and excited to find out more. Lesley from Positive Money Waterloo was a champion at getting people over to the stall and signed up. So, we asked her to outline her top tips. Here they are:

  1. Be light hearted and humorous – it is the best way to get passersby interested and set friendly tone.

  2. Don’t fear rejection! If someone doesn’t want to talk to you don’t take it personally, they are probably just having a hard day.

  3. Find out where they are coming from – don’t just bombard them with information, ask people questions to find out what they are interested in.

Are you a member of a local group? Summer is just around the corner! If you are interested in organising a Positive Money stall at a fete, festival or local event get in touch with dora@positivemoney.org


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