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Which? finds one in five consumers denied right to use cash: Positive Money response

London, 11 September 2021 Responding to Which?’s findings, Simon Youel, head of policy and advocacy at Positive Money, said: “As banks and other vested interests continue to wage their war on cash, the millions of people who rely on it are being attacked on two fronts.
12 highlights from 2022

London, 11 September 2021

Responding to Which?’s findings, Simon Youel, head of policy and advocacy at Positive Money, said:

“As banks and other vested interests continue to wage their war on cash, the millions of people who rely on it are being attacked on two fronts. Not only are people struggling to access cash in the first place, they’re now increasingly being denied their right to use it.

“Many retailers are refusing cash because they’re unaware of all the evidence showing notes and coins are no less hygienic than card payments. The government must ensure that people know cash is safe, and protect our freedom to use it.”


  1. September 2021, Which?, “One in five consumers blocked from paying with notes and coins since lockdown, Which? Reveals”,

  2. July 2021, “More than 8m people would struggle to survive without cash, says Post Office”, Wales Online,

  3. June 2021, “One in five older people rely on cash for everyday spending”, AgeUK

  1. For more details on cash safety during the pandemic, see, “Supermarkets are promoting unscientific anti-cash propaganda. And the banking sector is loving it”, Brett Scott,

  2. Positive Money is a research and campaign organisation working towards a money and banking system which supports a fair, democratic and sustainable economy. Set up in the aftermath of the financial crisis, Positive Money is a not-for-profit company funded by charitable trusts and foundations, as well as small donations from its network of over 65,000 supporters.

  3. For more information from Positive Money or to arrange a briefing/interview with a spokesperson, please contact or Simon Youel on 07817765517


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