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24 September 2018

10 Years On: what we’ve achieved together so far

Over the past two weeks we’ve made a bigger impact than ever with our #10YearsOn campaign, and we’re proud to share all we’ve achieved so far with you.
12 highlights from 2022

Over the past two weeks we’ve made a bigger impact than ever with our #10YearsOn campaign, and we’re proud to share all we’ve achieved so far with you.

Our #ChangeFinance Rally made the news, live and on the radio!

Check out the video of the rally here:

PositiveMoney - Post

Hundreds of us came together outside the Bank of England to send a powerful message to our politicians and central bankers: Together we’ve challenged the myths propping up austerity in the UK and set the record straight: the big banks were bailed out, and the people were sold out.

Rachel from Positive Money spoke live on Sky News from the rally and LBC interviewed her too.

Channel 4 news did a news report that evening, and BBC Radio 4 featured the rally and interviews in their “Broadcasting House” programme on Sunday morning.

And in the run up to the rally: Fran Boait from Positive Money spoke on BBC Breakfast and BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. She also wrote an article for the Independent on the urgent need for economic reform, and another for Red Pepper on how the financial sector is out of control.

On top of that, we were covered in the Mirror, i newspaper, Bloomberg, the Huffington Post and Left Foot Forward. What a fantastic range of high-profile coverage!

Speakers at the rally got our message out

SNP’s economics spokesperson Kirsty Blackman MP said: “In 2021 we will have higher levels of unsecured credit than we did in 2007, just before the financial crisis.”

Dave Hillman from the Robin Hood Tax campaign said: “Without fundamental changes, another crisis is around the corner.”

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said “Never let the finance sector become the masters of the economy when they should be the servants of the economy. The finance sector has a responsibility to deliver the resources we need.” “Another world is not just possible, it’s in sight.”

Over 138 actions took place across the world

From Hungary to France to the USA, hundreds of groups were in action last Saturday to demand a financial system that serves people, not the other way around.

The international Change Finance coalition is growing and going from strength to strength. Several groups are gathering in Brussels in October to plan the next steps of the campaign.

Positive Money local groups were in action too – speaking on local radio!

John and the crew in Liverpool turned the local HSBC into a financial crime scene and handed out hundreds of flyers to passers-by. John gave a great and impassioned interview on BBC Merseyside too – well done John!

The Edinburgh local group teamed up with Jubilee Scotland to turn RBS HQ in Edinburgh into a financial crime scene. The photos and videos look great!

Our “Financial Crime Scene” made the papers and social media

Watch our video showing how we turned the Bank of England into a financial crime scene. The props and filming was funded by Positive Money supporters, and shared across social media, whilst pictures of it featured in the Daily Mirror!

Our “How much are you owed?” calculator was a big hit

We and our coalition partners invited hundreds of people to find out how much they’d lost out since the financial crash using our online calculator. The aim is to bring home to people just how much the financial crash set us all back.

We also worked with professional filmmakers to make this spoof video to promote the calculator: “Have you been mis-sold austerity? Then you could be owed thousands of pounds!” It’s been viewed over 65,000 times!

Thanks to everyone who had a go and shared the calculator or video with their friends – and please do keep on sharing!

Whether you have supported Positive Money by making a donation, taken action at the rally, met up in local groups, or simply received these emails, we want to express our deepest thanks for everything you do. Let’s make the next ten years a decade of positive change.

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