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Events, events Everywhere!

It may only be June, but the Positive Money team and supporters have already been very busy in 2018.
12 highlights from 2022

It may only be June, but the Positive Money team and supporters have already been very busy in 2018. Here’s just some of  the events that we’ve spoken at in the first half of the year.


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      Positive Money was part of AntiUniversity 2018.


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Rachel from the Positive Money team at Social Enterprise’s Spreading the Wealth conference in York 


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The MONEY series at the Hackney Showroom was a hit!


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Positive Money staff team celebrating International Women’s Day wearing ‘More Women In Economics’ badges 🙂


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At “The Shocking Secret about Where Money Comes From..” at Hackney Showroom, we were joined by Professor Steve Keen


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The Bournemouth local group hosted a screening of  ‘Inequality for All


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Tower Hamlet’s local group had an event on transforming the money and banking system to be more sustainable


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Southampton’s local group hosted an event called : Monetary Reform – An International Perspective


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Zoe Kennedy speaking at the Feminism and the Economy event at the Hackney Showroom


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Noni from the Positive Money team at the Ethical Careers Fair at SOAS University London

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