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What has Sovereign Money got to do with an Unconditional Basic Income? (Basic Income Earth Network)

“The current monetary system enriches the richest and impoverishes the poorest.
12 highlights from 2022

“The current monetary system enriches the richest and impoverishes the poorest. Sovereign Money redistributes the benefits of money creation to the whole community”.

“The Sovereign Money initiative represents an important step forward for all those who pursue the goal of introducing an unconditional basic income”.

Ahead of Switzerland’s vote on the Sovereign Money Initiative on 10 June 2018, the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) in Switzerland asks “What has Sovereign Money got to do with an Unconditional Basic Income?” In this article, BIEN – Switzerland gives a detailed argument for the undeniable importance of Sovereign Money Creation in the movement towards an Unconditional Basic Income.

You can read the whole article here.


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