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Budget 2017: Chancellor’s policies will contribute to rising housing costs (TalkRadio)

Utterly disappointing budget from Philip Hammond offers more of the same tweaks and gimmics and no real solutions for the UK economy which is heading into intensive care, argues Fran Boait, Positive Money’s director in the interview on TalkRadio this morning (from 7:09AM).
12 highlights from 2022

Utterly disappointing budget from Philip Hammond offers more of the same tweaks and gimmics and no real solutions for the UK economy which is heading into intensive care, argues Fran Boait, Positive Money’s director in the interview on TalkRadio this morning (from 7:09AM).

“The abolition of stamp duty may assist some onto the property ladder, but actually this policy will help to push up housing costs further and drive rents out of reach.”

“Chancellor’s policies will contribute to rising housing costs and they will do nothing for the millions of people that haven’t actually a roof over their head…”

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