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What should we do together in 2017? Take the survey

Positive Money supporters have always been at the heart of our campaign for a fair, democratic and sustainable money system – helping us to reach new audiences and people in power.
12 highlights from 2022

Positive Money supporters have always been at the heart of our campaign for a fair, democratic and sustainable money system – helping us to reach new audiences and people in power.

Now is the time in the year when we in the office need your ideas. A chance for us to decide together where to focus our campaign this year, what we want to achieve, and how we’ll get there.

Here in the office, we’re ambitious to take our campaign to the next level in 2017. To put the Positive Money campaign at the heart of the mainstream public debate. But it won’t happen unless it’s a solid plan. And that means getting as many of us as possible to fill in this survey. Because the more of us who feed in our ideas, the stronger our plan for 2017 will be.

There’re lots of things we could do together. We could turn our attention to demanding the government create new money to build affordable housing. We could call for the Bank of England and Treasury to start working together, instead of in isolation. Or we could run a big populist campaign to take the power to create money away from big commercial banks.

But there’s only so much time and resource, so we need to be strategic and make choices about what to prioritise doing first.

Please will you help us make some key decisions by responding to the survey now? It takes about 5 minutes to complete. (Just answer this first question to get started.)

Which campaign are your friends most likely to support?

Take power away from big banks
Fund jobs, not corporations
Cancel student debt
Affordable homes now
Less debt, more prosperity

(Click on your choice)


We all want a greener, more equal, more secure society. We all want affordable homes for everyone, a protected natural environment, secure jobs and businesses. This is what working towards that looks like. Thousands of us putting our heads together will create a great plan for the year ahead.


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