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Parliament to debate money creation – call your MP

Last week we found out that a historic debate ‘Money Creation and Society’ had been tabled in the Parliament.
12 highlights from 2022

Last week we found out that a historic debate ‘Money Creation and Society’ had been tabled in the Parliament. This will be the first time since 1844 that Parliament will debate money creation. It is taking place on Thursday 20th November – that is only one week away!

Is your MP going to be there?

Whilst the Money Creation and Society debate has cross party support – It is being hosted by Steve Baker (Conservative), Caroline Lucas (Green), Michael Meacher (Labour) and Douglas Carswell (UKIP) – a worrying number of our MPs do not understand where money comes from. This leaves them ill-equipped to predict another financial crisis, deal with housing bubbles or understand the drivers of inequality.

An incredible 2,080 Positive Money supporters have been in touch with their MP since the backbench debate Money Creation and Society was announced last week. Thanks to your help we have secured a number of MPs to attend the debate on Thursday 20th November.

But we are still a long way off.

Parliament is now on recess, which means most Members of Parliament will be travelling back to their constituency office to hear from constituents and deal with local issues.

Can you spare two minutes to call your MP?

You can find their constituency office number here.

We would like to know:

  1. Is your MP aware of the Money Creation and Society debate taking place on Thursday 20th November?

  2. Are they planning to attend?

  3. Do they realise this is an issue of concern for their constituents?

Whilst the Money Creation and Society debate has cross party support – It is being hosted by Steve Baker (Conservative), Caroline Lucas (Green), Michael Meacher (Labour) and Douglas Carswell (UKIP) – a worrying number of our MPs do not understand where money comes from. This leaves them ill-equipped to predict another financial crisis, deal with housing bubbles or understand the drivers of inequality.

We have one week to ensure that Members of Parliament attend the debate!

The backbench debate has certainly got people talking about money creation. We have had a lot of interest on social media over the last week.

Tell your friends, family and colleagues

We only have 1 week and we need as much support as possible. Share our campaign on your networks. Forward this email, or share this

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This will be the first time in 170 years that Parliament has debated money creation. Please help us make the most of this historic opportunity!

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