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15 May 2015

Citizen’s Initiative ‘Our Money’ offered to Dutch Parliament

Monetary reform is building momentum in the Netherlands.
12 highlights from 2022

Monetary reform is building momentum in the Netherlands. On April 21st 2015, the citizen’s initiative Ons Geld (Our Money) was submitted to Ms. Neppérus, the chairman of the committee for citizen’s initiatives of the Dutch Parliament, in the presence of five members of parliament.

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On that day, the initiative had 113,878 signatories, far exceeding the required 40,000. The committee now verifies if the initiative meets the official requirements: that the signatures are valid and the topic has not been discussed in parliament for two years. Once this has happened, a debate will follow.

Four months ago, the initiative was launched by Positive Money’s Dutch sister organization Ons Geld, in cooperation with the theater group De Verleiders and economist Ad Broere. The aim of the initiative is to get money creation and monetary reform on the political agenda and to fuel a public debate about the future of our monetary system.

The petition is still open for Dutch people to sign.  Up until the debate you can add your name to the initiative on this website. The more signatures, the more pressure there will be on politicians. You can find the official text of the citizen’s initiative here (unfortunately it is only available in Dutch).

There has been considerable media attention as a consequence of the initiative and a number of articles and publications have been written on the topic – Including, Dynamics of a sustainable financial-economic system (in English); Our Money. Towards a New Monetary System (in Dutch). Last week, the mainstream Dutch newspaper NRC published this article about money creation.

A public debate has started in the Netherland and momentum is building. We will keep you posted!



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