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Citizen’s Initiative in the Netherlands passing 100,000 signatures

Last Saturday, early in the morning, the 100,000th signature was registered for the Citizens’ initiative to put money creation on the political agenda in the Netherlands.
12 highlights from 2022

Last Saturday, early in the morning, the 100,000th signature was registered for the Citizens’ initiative to put money creation on the political agenda in the Netherlands. Positive Money’s Dutch sister organization Ons Geld launched this initiative in January 2015. See also this blogpost.

At the time of writing this blogpost (Thursday March 5th), we have reached 101,130 signatures – and counting.

We surpassed the minimum goal of 40,000 signatures in less than 28 hours thanks to an initial boost, from then on the the number has risen steadily but slowly.

However, after another TV appearance on a Dutch consumers program TROS RADAR we reached 80,000 signatures. The theatre group De Verleiders, who started the initiative, added an additional 50 performances to their theater play Taken by the bank – Every show sold out! Each morning the audience from the play the night before signs the initiative. People who have signed it in the past are now activating their network to sign it also.

Although we now have more than two and a half times the number of signatures we need, we continue to push hard to get more signatures. After all, the more signatures we can deliver, the more significant the impact on politicians.


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