Change Money: Change the World! – Talk by Ben Dyson (Video)
Watch Ben Dyson, Founder of Positive Money presenting at Exeter University on 27th November 2014.
Find out where it’s all gone wrong and what we can do to take back democratic control over our money supply.
Many of the big social and economic problems that we’re facing today are due to the way that money is created. Most people still think that only the government can create money, but in reality more than 97 % of money is created by private banks. They do this every time they make a loan, effectively creating new money out of nothing, and then charging us interest. This means that we are effectively renting the money we need to run our economy from the banks. In the UK alone, together we pay the banks £192 million in interest every single day. And because the debt is held mostly by the bottom 90% and wealth mostly by the top 10%, paying this interest transfers assets and income from the majority up to the wealthy few.
As long as we let banks create all the money we use, we’ll have to keep paying this huge interest bill. However, there are ways to create money that don’t depend on us all going into debt to the banks. A sustainable and healthy economy is actually IMPOSSIBLE until we have a stable interest-free money supply. Positive Money wants to bring the creation of money back under democratic control so that money can be used for society and not against it.